前言: 當(dāng)了解了stm32通用bootloader的實(shí)現(xiàn)方法,今天給大家在bootloader的基礎(chǔ)上,介紹app如何通過(guò)多種固件下載器實(shí)現(xiàn)OTA升級(jí)。
阿里云物聯(lián)網(wǎng)平臺(tái)OTAHTTP OTAYmodem OTA不用app,使用Bootloader中的Ymodem OTA此項(xiàng)目硬件使用的是STM32F429開(kāi)發(fā)板,代碼全部使用RT-Thread Studio搭積木的方式實(shí)現(xiàn),僅僅改動(dòng)了幾行代碼,開(kāi)發(fā)效率非常高。此項(xiàng)目的地址:https://gitee.com/Aladdin-Wang/RT-FOTA-STM32L431.git
1.準(zhǔn)備工作1.1 新建工程由于此項(xiàng)目使用的esp8266需要一個(gè)串口,我使用的是uart2,所以需要還需要配置uart2:
1.2 打開(kāi)fal和at device軟件包配置fal軟件包
1#ifndef _FAL_CFG_H_ 2#define _FAL_CFG_H_ 3 4#include <rtconfig.h> 5#include <board.h> 6 7#define FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_16K (4 * 16 * 1024) 8#define FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_64K (64 * 1024) 9#define FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_128K (7 * 128 * 1024)1011#define STM32_FLASH_START_ADRESS_16K STM32_FLASH_START_ADRESS12#define STM32_FLASH_START_ADRESS_64K (STM32_FLASH_START_ADRESS_16K + FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_16K)13#define STM32_FLASH_START_ADRESS_128K (STM32_FLASH_START_ADRESS_64K + FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_64K)14/* ===================== Flash device Configuration ========================= */15extern const struct fal_flash_dev stm32_onchip_flash_16k;16extern const struct fal_flash_dev stm32_onchip_flash_64k;17extern const struct fal_flash_dev stm32_onchip_flash_128k;18extern struct fal_flash_dev nor_flash0;1920/* flash device table */21#define FAL_FLASH_DEV_TABLE \\22{ \\23 &stm32_onchip_flash_16k, \\24 &stm32_onchip_flash_64k, \\25 &stm32_onchip_flash_128k, \\26 &nor_flash0, \\27}28/* ====================== partition Configuration ========================== */29#ifdef FAL_PART_HAS_TABLE_CFG30/* partition table */31#define FAL_PART_TABLE \\32{ \\33 {FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "bootloader", "onchip_flash_16k", 0 , FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_16K , 0}, \\34 {FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "param", "onchip_flash_64k", 0 , FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_64K , 0}, \\35 {FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "app", "onchip_flash_128k", 0 , FLASH_SIZE_GRANULARITY_128K, 0}, \\36 {FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "ef", "W25Q128", 0 , 1024 * 1024, 0}, \\37 {FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "download", "W25Q128", 1024 * 1024 , 512 * 1024, 0}, \\38 {FAL_PART_MAGIC_WROD, "factory", "W25Q128", (1024 + 512) * 1024 , 512 * 1024, 0}, \\39}40#endif /* FAL_PART_HAS_TABLE_CFG */4142#endif /* _FAL_CFG_H_ */
初始化spi flash和fal軟件包
1#include <rtthread.h> 2#include "spi_flash.h" 3#include "spi_flash_sfud.h" 4#include "drv_spi.h" 5 6#if defined(RT_USING_SFUD) 7static int rt_hw_spi_flash_init(void) 8{ 9 __HAL_RCC_GPIOF_CLK_ENABLE();10 rt_hw_spi_device_attach("spi5", "spi50", GPIOF, GPIO_PIN_6);1112 if (RT_NULL == rt_sfud_flash_probe("W25Q128", "spi50"))13 {14 return -RT_ERROR;15 }1617 return RT_EOK;18}19INIT_COMPONENT_EXPORT(rt_hw_spi_flash_init);20#endif
1int fs_init(void)2{3 /* partition initialized */4 fal_init();5 return 0;6}7INIT_ENV_EXPORT(fs_init);
配置at device軟件包
1.3 配置中斷重定向1/** 2 * Function ota_app_vtor_reconfig 3 * Description Set Vector Table base location to the start addr of app(RT_APP_PART_ADDR). 4*/ 5static int ota_app_vtor_reconfig(void) 6{ 7 #define NVIC_VTOR_MASK 0x3FFFFF80 8 /* Set the Vector Table base location by user application firmware definition */ 9 SCB->VTOR = 0x8020000 & NVIC_VTOR_MASK;1011 return 0;12}13INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(ota_app_vtor_reconfig);
2.阿里云物聯(lián)網(wǎng)平臺(tái)OTA注冊(cè) LinkPlatform 平臺(tái)
配置ali iotkit軟件包將剛才新建的阿里云設(shè)備信息填寫(xiě)到配置信息里:
1static int _ota_mqtt_client(void) 2{ 3#define OTA_BUF_LEN (16385) 4#define DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_PART "download" 5 int rc = 0, ota_over = 0; 6 void *pclient = NULL, *h_ota = NULL; 7 iotx_conn_info_pt pconn_info; 8 iotx_mqtt_param_t mqtt_params; 9 10 // FILE *fp; 11 static char buf_ota[OTA_BUF_LEN]; 12 const struct fal_partition * dl_part = RT_NULL; 13 14 // if (NULL == (fp = fopen("ota.bin", "wb+"))) { 15 // EXAMPLE_TRACE("open file failed"); 16 // goto do_exit; 17 // } 18 19 /**< get device info*/ 20 HAL_GetProductKey(g_product_key); 21 HAL_GetDeviceName(g_device_name); 22 HAL_GetDeviceSecret(g_device_secret); 23 /**< end*/ 24 25 /* Device AUTH */ 26 if (0 != IOT_SetupConnInfo(g_product_key, g_device_name, g_device_secret, (void **)&pconn_info)) { 27 EXAMPLE_TRACE("AUTH request failed!"); 28 rc = -1; 29 goto do_exit; 30 } 31 32 /* Initialize MQTT parameter */ 33 memset(&mqtt_params, 0x0, sizeof(mqtt_params)); 34 35 mqtt_params.port = pconn_info->port; 36 mqtt_params.host = pconn_info->host_name; 37 mqtt_params.client_id = pconn_info->client_id; 38 mqtt_params.username = pconn_info->username; 39 mqtt_params.password = pconn_info->password; 40 mqtt_params.pub_key = pconn_info->pub_key; 41 42 mqtt_params.request_timeout_ms = 2000; 43 mqtt_params.clean_session = 0; 44 mqtt_params.keepalive_interval_ms = 60000; 45 mqtt_params.read_buf_size = OTA_MQTT_MSGLEN; 46 mqtt_params.write_buf_size = OTA_MQTT_MSGLEN; 47 48 mqtt_params.handle_event.h_fp = event_handle; 49 mqtt_params.handle_event.pcontext = NULL; 50 51 /* Construct a MQTT client with specify parameter */ 52 pclient = IOT_MQTT_Construct(&mqtt_params); 53 if (NULL == pclient) { 54 EXAMPLE_TRACE("MQTT construct failed"); 55 rc = -1; 56 goto do_exit; 57 } 58 h_ota = IOT_OTA_Init(g_product_key, g_device_name, pclient); 59 if (NULL == h_ota) { 60 rc = -1; 61 EXAMPLE_TRACE("initialize OTA failed"); 62 goto do_exit; 63 } 64 65 66 do { 67 uint32_t firmware_valid; 68 69 EXAMPLE_TRACE("wait ota upgrade command...."); 70 71 /* handle the MQTT packet received from TCP or SSL connection */ 72 IOT_MQTT_Yield(pclient, 200); 73 74 if (IOT_OTA_IsFetching(h_ota)) { 75 uint32_t last_percent = 0, percent = 0; 76 char md5sum[33]; 77 char version[128] = {0}; 78 uint32_t len, size_downloaded, size_file; 79 IOT_OTA_Ioctl(h_ota, IOT_OTAG_FILE_SIZE, &size_file, 4); 80 /* Get download partition information and erase download partition data */ 81 if ((dl_part = fal_partition_find(DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_PART)) == RT_NULL) 82 { 83 LOG_E("Firmware download failed! Partition (%s) find error!", "download"); 84 rc = -1; 85 goto do_exit; 86 } 87 88 LOG_I("Start erase flash (%s) partition!", dl_part->name); 89 90 if (fal_partition_erase(dl_part, 0, size_file) < 0) 91 { 92 LOG_E("Firmware download failed! Partition (%s) erase error!", dl_part->name); 93 rc = -1; 94 goto do_exit; 95 } 96 LOG_I("Erase flash (%s) partition success!", dl_part->name); 97 98 rt_uint32_t content_pos = 0, content_write_sz; 99100 do {101102 len = IOT_OTA_FetchYield(h_ota, buf_ota, OTA_BUF_LEN, 1);103 if (len > 0) {104 content_write_sz = fal_partition_write(dl_part, content_pos, (uint8_t *)buf_ota, len);105 if (content_write_sz != len)106 {107 LOG_I("Write OTA data to file failed");108109 IOT_OTA_ReportProgress(h_ota, IOT_OTAP_BURN_FAILED, RT_NULL);110111 goto do_exit;112 }113 else114 {115 content_pos = content_pos + len;116 LOG_I("receive %d bytes, total recieve: %d bytes", content_pos, size_file);117 }118 } else {119 IOT_OTA_ReportProgress(h_ota, IOT_OTAP_FETCH_FAILED, NULL);120 EXAMPLE_TRACE("ota fetch fail");121 }122123 /* get OTA information */124 IOT_OTA_Ioctl(h_ota, IOT_OTAG_FETCHED_SIZE, &size_downloaded, 4);125 IOT_OTA_Ioctl(h_ota, IOT_OTAG_FILE_SIZE, &size_file, 4);126127 last_percent = percent;128 percent = (size_downloaded * 100) / size_file;129 if (percent - last_percent > 0) {130 IOT_OTA_ReportProgress(h_ota, percent, NULL);131 }132 IOT_MQTT_Yield(pclient, 100);133 } while (!IOT_OTA_IsFetchFinish(h_ota));134135 IOT_OTA_Ioctl(h_ota, IOT_OTAG_MD5SUM, md5sum, 33);136 IOT_OTA_Ioctl(h_ota, IOT_OTAG_VERSION, version, 128);137 IOT_OTA_Ioctl(h_ota, IOT_OTAG_CHECK_FIRMWARE, &firmware_valid, 4);138 if (0 == firmware_valid) {139 EXAMPLE_TRACE("The firmware is invalid");140 } else {141 EXAMPLE_TRACE("The firmware is valid");142 IOT_OTA_ReportVersion(h_ota, version);143144 LOG_I("Download firmware to flash success.");145 LOG_I("System now will restart...");146147 HAL_SleepMs(1000);148149 /* Reset the device, Start new firmware */150 extern void rt_hw_cpu_reset(void);151 rt_hw_cpu_reset();152 }153154 ota_over = 1;155 }156 HAL_SleepMs(2000);157 } while (!ota_over);158159 HAL_SleepMs(1000);160161do_exit:162163 if (NULL != h_ota) {164 IOT_OTA_Deinit(h_ota);165 }166167 if (NULL != pclient) {168 IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&pclient);169 }170171 return rc;172}
3.HTTP OTA和Ymodem OTA配置ota_downloader軟件包